№ 0839075


1. On Meurt Bientôt (3:44).
2. XNXX (3:54).
3. OMRI (3:27).
4. N’Tiekar (3:41).
5. Oskur (3:07).
6. No Love (3:06).
   Featuring Marie Plassard
7. Wouuh (2:10).
8. Frank Ocean (1:42).
9. Adeola (2:00).
10. Mack Le Bizz Freestyle (2:47).
11. Arob@se (3:37).
12. Quand Les Cailleras Prient (3:55).
13. Les Garçons Ne Pleurent Pas (4:34).
   Featuring Manu Dibango
14. Taciturne (3:45).
   Featuring Dosseh
15. Au Revoir (3:23).

«On Meurt Bientôt» produced by BBP, Kamil Osmanov and Twenty9, «XNXX» by Lossapardo and Wav Maker, «OMRI» and «No Love» by Twenty9, «N’Tiekar» by Chapo, Draco Dans Ta Face, Heizenberg, Kyu Steed, «Oskur» by Seezy, «Wouuh» and «Mack Le Bizz Freestyle» by Wav Maker, «Frank Ocean» by Dioscures, Skuna and Sofiane Pamart, «Adeola (Interlude)» by Lossapardo, Twenty9 and Wav Maker, «Arob@se» by BBP, Heezy Lee, Kamil Osmanov and Wav Maker, «Quand Les Cailleras Prient» by Kamil Osmanov, Twenty9 and Wav Maker, «Les Garçons Ne Pleurent Pas» by Chapo, Heizenberg and Manu Dibango, «Taciturne» by KEDYI and Wav Maker, «Au Revoir» by Chapo and Ganalone.

All tracks published by SPKTAQLR.